


The mortgage process can be stressful and complicated. I can help take the stress and complexity out of your mortgage experience. Here are a few resources to help you navigate through the process and help determine what you need to do.

You're A VIP

…and you can be in my VIP Club. Instead of traditional advertising, every month I am giving away something fun to my VIP’s (past, present, and future clients); you’re one of them! There’s no catch – I’m spending my advertising dollars on you. I’ll be sending mortgage news, keeping in touch, and offering you a cool giveaway. Make sure to enter every month for your chance to win!

Premium Calculators

Various calculators and mortgage qualifiers to help you in the process.

The Home Buying Costs

Here are some of the cost you may have associated with your home buying experience.

Mortgage Checklist

A more in depth look at the steps to the mortgage process.

Document Requirements*

Here are different document requirements for different scenarios. If you don't see what relates to your situation, make sure to reach out to me. *Please note that this is just a generic list and lenders may ask for things not listed or additional documents.*


Some frequent terms relating to the mortgage process.

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